Sunday, December 7, 2008
C FOR Sir Christopher Sydney Cockerell (June 4, 1910 – June 1, 1999) was a British engineer, inventor of the hovercraft
Sir Christopher Sydney Cockerell (June 4, 1910 – June 1, 1999) was a British engineer, inventor of the hovercraft. Cockerell was born in Cambridge, England, in a house called "Wayside" in Cavendish Avenue, where his father, Sir Sydney Cockerell, was curator of the Fitzwilliam Museum. He was educated at Gresham's School, Holt, Norfolk. He then studied engineering at Peterhouse, Cambridge. His father, sometime private secretary to Sir William Morris and from 1908 to 1937 Director of the Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge.
C FOR Charles Babbage is often called the "father of computing"
Charles Babbage is often called the "father of computing" for his detailed plans for mechanical Calculating Engines, both the table-making Difference Engines (1821) and the far more ambitious Analytical Engines (1837), which were flexible and powerful, punched-card controlled general purpose calculators, embodying many features which later reappeared in the modern computer.
WORDS OF WISDOM:"One of Babbage's most serious flaws was his inability to stop tinkering. No sooner would he send a drawing to the machine shop than he would find a better way to perform the task and would order work stopped until he had finished pursuing the new line. By and large this flaw kept Babbage from ever finishing anything." - Joel Shurkin stated:in his book Engines of the Mind
How the Analytical Engine works. This site is developed and maintained by John Walker, founder of Autodesk, Inc. and co-author of AutoCAD software.In 1985 the Science Museum of London launched a project to build a complete Babbage Engine as originally designed, to explore the practical viability of Babbage’s schemes.
Around age eight Charles Babbage was sent to a country school to recover from a life-threatening fever. His parents ordered that his "brain was not to be taxed too much"
On the moon, there is a crater bearing Babbage's name.
The Charles Babbage Foundation is named in his honor in recognition of his intellectual contributions and their influence on the modern computing world.
B FOR Benjamin Franklin one of the most prominent Founding Fathers of the United States.
Benjamin Franklin (January 17 1706) was one of the most prominent Founding Fathers of the United States. He was a leading printer, scientist, inventor, civic activist and diplomat. As a scientist he was a major figure in the history of physics for his discoveries and theories regarding electricity. As a political writer and activist he, more than anyone, developed the idea of an American nation, and as a diplomat during the American Revolution secured the French alliance that made independence possible.
Inventions and scientific inquiries
Franklin was a prodigious inventor. Among his many creations were the lightning rod, the glass armonica, the Franklin stove, bifocal glasses, and the flexible urinary catheter. Although Franklin never patented any of his own inventions, he was a supporter of the rights of inventors and authors and was responsible for inserting into the United States Constitution the provision for limited-term patents and copyrights.
Immediately after inventing the furnace stove, Ben established the first fire company and the first fire insurance company in order to help people live more safely.
As postmaster, Ben had to figure out routes for delivering the mail. He went out riding in his carriage to measure the routes and needed a way to keep track of the distance. He invented a simple odometer and attached it to his carriage.
Franklin coined many of the electrical terms we use today, such as battery, conductor, condenser, positive and negative charge, electric shock and electrician.
A FOR Archimedes was the eminent mathematician and excellent physicist of his time
Archimedes was the eminent mathematician and excellent physicist of his time. He was born in Syracuse, on the island of Sicily in 287 B.C. At that time Sicily was a Greek land. Archimedes was the son of an astronomer. He studied at Alexandria in Egypt, and then returned to Syracuse. He early became an astronomer. He constructed a brass planisphere - a projection of the celestial sphere - that showed the revolution of the Sun, the Moon and the five known planets, and showed the nature of eclipses.
Discoveries and inventions
Archimedes became a popular figure as a result of his involvement in the defense of Syracuse against the Roman siege in the First and Second Punic Wars.
He proved that the ratio of a circle's perimeter to its diameter is the same as the ratio of the circle's area to the square of the radius
Archimedes is probably also the first mathematical physicist on record, and the best before Galileo and Newton. He invented the field of statics, enunciated the law of the lever, the law of equilibrium of fluids and the law of buoyancy.
Quotes about Archimedes
"Perhaps the best indication of what Archimedes truly loved most is his request that his tombstone include a cylinder circumscribing a sphere, accompanied by the inscription of his amazing theorem that the sphere is exactly two-thirds of the circumscribing cylinder in both surface area and volume!" (Laubenbacher and Pengelley, p. 95)
"...but regarding the work of an engineer and every art that ministers the needs of life as ignoble and vulgar, he devoted his earnest efforts only to those studies the subtlety and charm of which are not affected by the claims of necessity." Plutarch, possibly explaining why Archimedes produced no writings that describe precisely the design of his inventions.
Named after Archimedes
Archimedes crater on the Moon.
Asteroid 3600 Archimedes, named in his honour
Archimedes computer
Archimedean tilings, Archimedean spirals, Archimedean solids, Trammal of Archimedes.
A FOR Alexander Graham Bell
AT A GLANCE:Alexander Graham Bell, American inventor and teacher of the deaf, most famous for his invention of the telephone. Since the age of 18, Bell had been working on the idea of transmitting speech. In 1874, while working on a multiple telegraph, he developed the basic ideas for the telephone. His experiments with his assistant Thomas Watson finally proved successful on March 10, 1876, when the first complete sentence was transmitted: "Watson, come here; I want you.".
WORDS OF WISDOM:"Great discoveries and improvements invariably involve the cooperation of many minds." - Alexander Graham Bell"Watson, come here; I want you." - Alexander Graham Bell, 1876, first complete sentence transmitted
Bell was one of the cofounders of the National Geographic Society, and he served as its president from 1896 to 1904. He also founded the Journal of Science in 1883.
When Alexander Graham Bell died on August 4, 1922, millions of phones went dead. In Bell's honor, all phones served by the Bell System in the USA and Canada went silent for one minute.
Long before Alexander Graham Bell filed a patent application in 1875, Daniel Drawbaugh claimed to have invented the telephone. But since he had no journal or record, the Supreme Court rejected his claims by four votes to three. Alexander Graham Bell had excellent records and was awarded the patent for the telephone.
Bell was granted 18 patents in his name, and 12 he shared with collaborators
A FOR Albert Einstein - genius mathematician
Albert Einstein was a German-born theoretical physicist. He is best known for his theory of relativity and specifically mass-energy equivalence, E = mc2. Einstein received the 1921 Nobel Prize in Physics "for his services to Theoretical Physics, and especially for his discovery of the law of the photoelectric effect."
WORDS OF WISDOM: "The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reasons for existing. One cannot help but be in awe when he contemplates the mysteries of eternity, of life, of the marvelous structure of reality. It is enough if one tries to comprehend a little of this mystery every day. Never lose a holy curiosity." - Albert Einstein"The secret to creativity is knowing how to hide your sources." - Albert Einstein"If A equals success, then the formula is: A = X + Y + Z. X is work. Y is play. Z is keep your mouth shut." - Albert Einstein
Einstein requested Swiss citizenship in 1901 and took a post with the Swiss patent office.
Fear of Nazi expansion caused him to sign a letter to President Franklin Roosevelt in 1939 urging America to develop an atomic bomb. Einstein himself took no part in the bomb’s construction.
In 1940 Einstein became an American citizen.
A shy and gentle man, he was an accomplished violinist
He made the world smirk when he once made an error while helping a young student with math homework.
He is recognized as one of the greatest physicists of all time.
Einstein is also known for his contributions to the development of the quantum, space-time continuum, theory.
Einstein’s manuscripts and correspondence are presently at the Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton.